PTFE Tubing cutter$8.00 PTFE Tubing cutter$8.00PricePTFE Tubing cutterPart new stock arrives between 20-25th Sept. PTFE Tubing cutter with stainless steel blade and locking feature for safety. $8.00PriceNo Product availableQuick ViewOut Of Stock PTFE Tubing cutterPart new stock arrives between 20-25th Sept. PTFE Tubing cutter with stainless steel blade and locking feature for safety. No Product available $8.00PriceremoveaddQuick ViewOut Of Stock
PC4-M6 Pneumatic Straight Fitting Connector for 4mm OD tubing$5.00 PC4-M6 Pneumatic Straight Fitting Connector for 4mm OD tubing$5.00PricePC4-M6 Pneumatic Straight Fitting Connector for 4mm OD tubingPart 1 1 1 1 <!-- [if gte mso... $5.00PriceIn Stock 9220 Available itemsQuick ViewAdd To Cart PC4-M6 Pneumatic Straight Fitting Connector for 4mm OD tubingPart 1 1 1 1 <!-- [if gte mso...In Stock 9220 Available items $5.00PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart
CAPRICORN XS Low Friction 1.75mm PTFE BOWDEN TUBE$23.00 CAPRICORN XS Low Friction 1.75mm PTFE BOWDEN TUBE$23.00PriceCAPRICORN XS Low Friction 1.75mm PTFE BOWDEN TUBEPart Auckland local stock Brand: CAPRICORN Length: 1metre OD: 4MM ID: 1.9MM $23.00PriceIn Stock 24 Available itemsQuick ViewAdd To Cart CAPRICORN XS Low Friction 1.75mm PTFE BOWDEN TUBEPart Auckland local stock Brand: CAPRICORN Length: 1metre OD: 4MM ID: 1.9MM In Stock 24 Available items $23.00PriceremoveaddQuick ViewAdd To Cart